Marketing hires are very hard. Everyone I talked to told me I needed at least six months to start seeing results. None could prove to me they understood my market, my product, or my customers.
When I approached Jason, I was coming in cold. But they estimated I could make it all back with a price increase campaign in two months.
In two months, I got data from my customers on my pricing, why some weren’t buying, what features to add for a new price plan, and so much more.
If I were to hire a general manager or CMO, I’ll use Jason’s research to ramp them up. They handed me everything I needed on a silver platter.
After the price increase campaign, we’ve been adding new customers at the same growth rate. We didn’t lose a single customer from the price hike and customers did not question the change. Furthermore, I made my money back in two months as Jason promised.
I don’t think enough founders are focusing on pricing to optimize their growth strategy. You may have a gut feeling about the right price of your product. But without data, you’re likely leaving money on the table.